Robin Wolfgram
San Francisco Bay Area Ambassador

Robin has always enjoyed cooking and baking, but her passion for baking took off in 2005 when her sister-in-law asked her to bake cakes for her wedding. Since then, Robin’s enjoyed baking for friends and family, springing new recipes on them when she wants to try something new. In 2017, she realized her dream of leaving the world of finance and taxes behind and opened her own cake business, The Cake Robin, in Redwood City.

Robin has been pouring that same passion and creativity into baking for Cake4Kids since our first days as a fledgling organization! When she met our founder, Libby, in the fall of 2010, she knew right away it was a perfect match. Robin’s love of fulfilling a child’s wishes for flavor and theme and surprising them with their fantasy birthday cake comes through in every bake.